Chandra Grahan (Moon Eclipse)

Chandra Grahan 31 December 2009 and 1 January 2010 Time or Timing in North India – Lunar Eclipse in New Delhi, Kolkata, Jaipur, Ahmedabad and Mumbai.

Chandra Grahan starts at 24.21 and  Chandra Grahan ends at 25.24 on 1 January 2010 in india

Effects of Chandra Grahan on Different Moon Signs:

Aries: – The Planets shall give you positive outlook in your work. You would get some past recovery.  Unexpected support from a partner in business will lift your spirits. You would hear some auspicious news in a new year. You take initiatives to enjoy the company of romantic partner. You would get relief from your health point view.

Taurus: – The planets shall continue your life with spirit. Businessmen will have to make extra efforts to earn profits. Some will get job offer and foreign going opportunities. Your will be enjoying time with your family in a new year. Positive indications for the unmarried people are seen. You need to cautious on your health.

Gemini: – The New Year is seen to be favorable for you and you shall get most of the opportunity. Maintain cordial relationship with everyone. You should try to keep working in a positive direction. Your Love relationship will be stronger. Positive attitude and a preventive care would bring immense relief from ailments.

Cancer: – You will get good remuneration for your work. Caring attitude would give an edge over others at professional front. Luck definitely seems to be on your side. Therefore take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. Your beloved will be caring but highly possessive. Your health will be good.

Leo: – Your expertise would give a decisive edge over competitors at work. Those in the field of educational institutions will fare well. Adopting some stringent measures would help in earning profit. One-sided affair could bring disappointment. Delays in executing works may cause you more tension. It directs effect to your health.

Virgo: – You will enjoy all kinds of happiness including your personal too. It is advisable to take elderly help for you business or professional. Profitable dealings will improve financial health. Your love/relationship remains good. You would get some minor problem in health but won’t ignore it.

Libra: – You are likely to require working in a team to achieve expected goals. You need to look at the positive aspect. In the long run you are likely to be the gainer. Participation in a group activity is highlighted today. You should adopt good eating habits for the sake of a sound health. Love today would change your life for better.

Scorpio: – The planets would help to show your sense of responsibility and ability to accept challenges will put you into a leading position. Your financial position remains good. A conversation with a close friend will bring happiness and make you feel relaxed. Positive indications for the unmarried people are seen. Your health also needs a careful watch.

Sagittarius: – Your status and your interest in spirituality are on the rise. Your creativity related work will be much appreciated. Your determination & self-confidence would help in performing better than expectations. Scenario is for learning with your responsibility continues. Love matters will continue to be on a positive scale. Health will be averagely good.

Capricorn: – You will be enter a good period of your life. You can expect new avenues of opportunities to open up. You will get motivated to work on many new things. Perfect planning would enable to earn maximum profit in business. Your will get the positive result in your love relationship. Your health may be unpredictable.

Aquarius: – Your courage and energy will be on the upswing. You may earn a lot and can expect extra from temporary source of income too. You will have to make your positive attitude towards your life. You are advised to socialize with friends in the evening. You love/ Spouse might give you good news today. Your health might give you advantage.

Pisces: – You will be praised in your social circle. You may desire to hone your basic skills. Your financial position shall improve. Dedication & loyalty at work would bring desired results. This is the right time for the job hunters. Social or romantic connections will be in the frame. Your health might require some attention.


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